Sopley's Christmas Market
Friday 8th December, 3.15pm in the school hall.
Please can we ask for donations for the tombola! These can be items you have at home such as unused/unwanted gifts, for example; candles, cosmetics, toiletries, jewellery, sweet jars, boxes of chocolate and soft drink bottles (no alcohol please). Please can donations be dropped into the school office from Monday and by Wednesday 6th December.
Please could we also ask for donations of mince pies and cakes on the morning of the Christmas Market day, Friday 8th December. These can be sent in with your child or dropped into the school office.
And finally, if you are able to help the FSS to prepare, and on the day, please get in touch with them at or the school office.
Thank you in advance, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas Market, to spread some Christmas cheer and spirit!