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Sopley Primary School

Sopley Primary School


Years 2

We are Owls - Year 2. In our class, we have 15 children. Our class teachers are Miss Biddle and Mrs Sampson. Mrs Bull helps the children in the class with their learning too. We keep quite a tight structure in our class - in the mornings we always have an assembly, followed spelling. We alternate learning English and Maths. We have English on a Monday and a Thursday and Maths on a Tuesday and a Friday. We work at a ‘tutor table’ for English and Maths. This is in a small group with focused attention on our learning and how to improve. Everyday, our adults take reading groups and listen to us read, we work on prosody and comprehension over the week. Our afternoons are just as busy with mastering number, Science, PE, RE, PHSE and this term our focus is History (last term we focused on Art and Computing). If we are not working with an adult, you will find us busy playing. We can play inside and outside but it must be purposeful. We will show skills of resilience, communication, problem solving, sharing, cooperation, self improvement, self regulation and perseverance to name a few…We use a play plan to help structure our play, but most importantly our play is an expression of what we enjoy…our interests guide us. We try to visit the Secret Garden weekly too - this might be for science, art, pshe or just to escape into nature. It is a really special place at our school.

Reading is such a huge part of our class, our teachers love books and install this in us too. We are expected to read as often as possible (for the best results - a little each night). Each week, we will bring home one story book we have chosen from the library which is to be a shared read - read alongside an adult. We will also bring home a Phonics Book which will be the book we have read with an adult over the week in the class. The idea of the book is “Repeat, Repeat” to enable children to consolidate taught sounds and apply it within the decodable text. By the time the book comes home, we should be fluently reading it.

Each child has a NumBots account to access maths online.

We also run a spelling bee competition to win books.

We don’t get homework, but it is always great to talk to us about our learning. Just look at the topic grid that is sent home each term to find out what we are learning, and we can talk to you about what we have completed in class. Our facebook page will help with this too.